Sunday, June 6, 2010

YouTube Grocery Geek-Out!

I just posted my first YouTube video! Watch me nerd out about some of my favorite TIP foods from a recent shopping trip.

Several of the items in the video met their tragic fate this morning in the blender cup. Here they are just moments before I guzzled their pulverized remains. It's not easy being greens.

From the bottom up: 1 red delicious apple, 1 peach, 4 strawberries, parsley, kale, spinach, ginger root and 2 Tbls. hemp seeds. Not shown: 1+ pint water for blending.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terita!

    This site rules, nice job!

    Question: if I wanted to make a comparable smoothie, but entirely from frozen foods (e.g., box o'spinach), what would be the best comparable ingredients?
